On 16 December 1969, the Italian government gave the go-ahead to begin work on the new autonomy statute to the Commission of Nine that had been set up for this purpose. The operations calendar accompanying the Package stipulated that all measures were to be in place by 20 January 1974, or their implementation was to have commenced by then. Several primary and secondary areas of authority that had previously come under the purview of the region or the state were transferred to South Tyrol. A Commission of Twelve was set up to work out the Package measures. This was composed of six representatives each from the state and the region; of the latter, the Bozen and Trient provincial assemblies and the Regional Council each sent two representatives. On the whole, little progress was made in implementing the Package up through the end of the 1970s. Finally, on 27 April 1991 the "changing of the guard" took place in South Tyrol.