The southernmost Tilden line settled in Maryland and Delaware and produced the first William Tatum Tilden who was born in Newcastle County, Delaware. He even had hopes for public office and enter-tained a steady stream of Republican leaders at "Overleigh," including Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Junior Tilden was born at "Overleigh," a large Tudor-like mansion, on McKean Street, less than three hundred yards from the main gate of the Germantown Cricket Club, then the center of fashionable Philadelphia cricket. Tilden lived with these two beloved relatives who spoiled him to death throughout the rest of his life in Philadelphia. He was sent to the Germantown Academy, the oldest and one of the best schools in Philadelphia. The USLTA sent him abroad that year to defend his Wimbledon tide and consolidate his position as World Champion. Having consolidated his position as World Champion, Tilden no longer needed to go abroad; let the challengers come to the champion.