When Sir William Barrett, at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, presented new experimental findings in telepathy to the great Helmholtz, he got the ultimate scientific answer. There is nothing more precious to most of us, in terms of self-image and professional goals, than to represent those sturdy, cleareyed, honest men and women who have seen the great message of science. There is a good deal more expected of young psychologists than willingness to accept a certain amount of derisive comment. There has been a great change, tactically, not strategically, in the past twenty or thirty years in regard to research in this field. Here is the possibility of discovering a great many very fundamental things about human personality, all reaching out into all sorts of transpersonal realities just as exciting as the man-in-space program. Here is a possibility to see the limits, or limitlessness, of human personality in regard to time, space, and matter.”.