Television is no longer a miracle. It has permeated our lives and now is as necessary a part of some one media regimen as the newspapers and radio. The measure of television's power is that hardly anyone is aware of it— though people may watch it 3 or 4 or 5 or more hours per day. Terror is defined in The Random House Dictionary of the English Language as "intense, sharp, overmastering fear," which lists as synonyms: horror, panic, and fright. Viewing television is not the same as watching a film. A film is a collection of discrete images, each one within a frame, which pass before our eyes in rapid succession. To the extent that logic and fixity are overwhelmed, it can be argued that people find disorientation and, with it, loss of personal identity. Hyperkinesis is an impulse disorder of children characterized by hyperactivity, irritability, lack of concentration, and poor attention span.