This chapter argues that the words that we use to symbolize meaning, the act of writing that fixes these words on paper, and the process of reading those words, emerge from and are expressive of human bio- and eco-temporality. It attempts to convey that the prehensile basis for writing and the eye movements of reading are based upon a contiguous physicality (human and environmental) that entimed these processes at their earliest point of development, setting a physical basis for the temporal capacities of the reading and writing process. The bio- and eco-temporal basis for understanding the "reality" of the world has become transformed through ICTs. Increasing forms of knowledge—or the expression of the experience of reality—has become super-mediated through high-speed networks information. The technology of the stylus or quill or pen, the literal extension of the hand acting as our extension into the world contained, or was encoded with, the originary times and rhythms implanted by the Mesopotamians.