Sigmund Freud regarded psychoanalysis as an independent discipline, and he often expressed the desire to see psychoanalysis clarified as a branch of the humanities. Freud liked Greek and Egyptian antique sculpture and kept it around his office. From the pictures we have of that room one would hardly think of an analyst’s office at all. Another example of Freud’s relaxation with his patients appears in Hilda Doolittle’s little book. She relates that before her analytic hour she always ran into a charming, impressive man and apparently Freud volunteered the following information on him. Since many of Freud’s patients are still alive, any documentation must be postponed for at least another generation. Nevertheless, some of Freud’s patients have shared their experience with the public. Hilda Doolittle wrote a touching account of her analysis with Freud. Freud never shrank from expressing his opinions about people and issues in a very frank manner to his analysands.