The Punjab of West Pakistan comprises four doabs—Bari Doab between the Sudej and Ravi Rivers, Rechna Doab between the Ravi and Chenab Rivers, Chaj Doab between the Chenab and Jhelum Rivers, and Thai Doab between the Jhelum and Indus Rivers. The soils of the Punjab are of alluvial origin and contain high percentages of silt and fine to very fine sand. But the soils are inherently fertile and well-drained, and highly responsive to conventional reclamation measures. The first comprehensive study of the problem of subsurface drainage in the Punjab was made by Carlston under a United Nation's grant. The objectives of the investigations are to inventory the water and soils resources of the Punjab, and to describe the cause-and-effect relationships between irrigation activities and natural hydrologic factors and the incidence of water-logging and subsurface drainage problems which threatens the agricultural economy of the irrigated areas.