Christians go to Jerusalem to find their spiritual serenity; Moslems go to Mecca; rock fans go to rock concerts. Golfers, like the birds of San Juan Capistrano, migrate to Augusta. Philadelphia's past was great and gay. But "The City of Brotherly Love," founded by William Penn in 1682 on the banks of the Delaware and the Schuylkill, is like a tired old roue, who bores us with tales of the past while dozing in the present and fumbling with the future. Bruges is an easy city to get acquainted with. Its personality is not complex, awakening many and different emotions. It expresses itself simply and frankly. Christianity destroyed Athens. Paul of Tarsus in his address to the Athenians on Mars Hill dramatizes the manner in which Christianity destroyed civic deities. Indeed the journeys of Paul among the ancient cities of the Mediterranean were directed toward this end.