The oil dispute was settled and the Shah resumed his headlong rush into total tyranny, enforced by the CIA trained officers of SAVAK. The Shah did what the local agents of foreign powers do under those circumstances: He annulled the multiparty system and created his own party. Unlike so many politicians, Mosaddegh kept his promise and nationalized the assets of the British-Iranian Company. Most of the interpretations of this act continue to repeat completely wrong Cold War-era statements. The British and American intelligence services assigned to organize the coup coordinated their efforts in the course of two meetings that took place in June of 1953 in Nicosia, Cyprus, and Beirut, Lebanon. In his reign, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi must have well remembered how reluctantly the Soviet troops left the occupied areas of northern Iran. The smooth relationship of Shah Reza Pahlavi with the administrations of Presidents Nixon and Ford expired with the coming to power of President Carter.