Reed had no nineteenth century and the radical break at Antioch in 1920 obliterated the imprints of earlier ways, Swarthmore had a significant fifty-year development before its critical redefinition in the twenties, and revolution never wiped away the past. The first declaration of intent put it all in a title; "Report of the Committee on Education of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, on the Subject of a Boarding School for Friends' Children, and for the Education of Teachers". The important changes in the seventies and eighties did not institutionalize a firm, coherent pattern, however, and after President Magill's resignation in 1889, the strains in the character of the college were revealed by a decade of indecision. The Joseph Swain solution to the strains of the college was to modernize its traditionalism. He kept the college firmly anchored on its traditional Quaker social base.