Over fifty years old, the Swarthrnore College of 1919 had solid foundations. It possessed an excellent physical plant, it was in good financial shape, and its academic work would more than pass muster. Because the honors program required bright and serious students, to have changed the curriculum but not to have changed the caliber of entering students would have invited failure. Even if the college had not had the honors program and Open Scholarships as special points of attraction, the raising of admissions standards would have been feasible. Of all the features of the old Swarthmore that had to be subdued in order to place intellectuality front and center, big sports was undoubtedly the most important and the most challenging. With the decline of big sports and the steady erosion of the traditional social life, the major on-campus barriers to Aydelotte's intentions were removed. The college in 1920 was in solid shape financially as a result of President Swain's efforts.