The unpaved road led into this small bit of Indian country, the Fox community. On the left of road the fields were low and weedy; on right and ahead were wooded hilly rises. The story focused on the land, those few Fox acres, the meaning of which seemed very important to them. The Fox had bought these Iowa acres. In the middle 1800's the History continued, the Black Hawk War had flared, involving mainly the Sac—a closely allied tribe who speak a dialect intelligible to the Fox–but also involving some of the Fox in open hostility with the United States Army. Buying groceries and getting the news took the authors wife and himself and our fellows, as it took the Indians, to Tama. There we met men who responded to broad smiles with similar smiles. The neighbors of the Fox thought quite often about the Indians, and if asked by a stranger they were usually willing to tell what they knew.