B u t even i f i t should seem t h a t this race, or group of races, is pecul iar ly given to such sympathet ic i n ­ te rpre ta t ion of na tu ra l phenomena in terms of h u m a n ins t inc t , the difference between t hem and the t y p i c a l racial stocks of the old w o r l d in this respect is after al l a difference i n degree, not i n k ind . The l ike proc l iv i ty is i n good evidence throughout, wherever any race of men have endeavoured to pu t their acquaintance w i t h natural phenomena into systematic form. The bond of combination i n the making of systems, whether cosmologic, mythic , philosophic or scientific, has been some putat ive human t ra i t or traits. I t may be tha t i n their appreciation of facts and their making of systems the American races have by some peculiar native gift been inclined to an interpretation i n terms of fe r t i l i ty , growth, nurture and life-cycles.