Marc Ellis sees himself as the last Jew standing, the sole moral voice crying in the wilderness of a people's mass dereliction of conscience. Contemporary Judaism has become a pernicious pseudo-Judaism, a "Constantinian Judaism", as Ellis styles it, feigning victimhood while celebrating a state power and militarization that mimics Nazism. The influences that loom largest in Ellis' thought, the intellectual prisms through which he views Judaism, are Holocaust theology and liberation theology. For Ellis covenant appears to be a mode of religious and moral experience, shorn of its particularity as solidarity with the Jewish people, service to God, and obedience to the Torah. Ellis, for reasons known only to himself and his therapist if he has one, has turned from any credible Jewish religious path into the way of a Jewish masochism, brooding on every torment that can afflict the Jewish people while taking no part in its solace and support.