Patrick Buchanan timed his latest attack on Jews for publication on the Jewish New Year. In a New York Post column of 16 August 1989 he took up the cudgels against Jews who objected to the presence of a convent and a twenty-foot-high cross outside Auschwitz, the greatest site of Jewish slaughter in history. From the beginning of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Buchanan the patriot has been contributing to the morale of American hostages in Kuwait and Baghdad by declaring that Saddam Hussein was justified in holding them because the American blockade is an act of war against Iraq. On the Jewish New Year in 1990 Patrick Buchanan alleged that the only groups "beating the drums for war" against Iraq were Israel and the American Jewish community. As Samuel Johnson wrote, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." It is therefore perfectly natural that Buchanan should avail himself of it.