People of every sect felt secure, resumed their ordinary occupations; and the land between the Syr-Darya and the Amu-Darya which had borne the initial violence of Jenghiz Khan's incursions began to recover from the devastations of war. What followed was a war of annihilation on the part of 100,000 men thoroughly well equipped and subjected to an iron discipline, against a fanatical enemy, undisciplined and disunited. The Mongols were in full war-kit, but they must not use their weapons. At the weaker spots the Khakan would sometimes himself appear and attentively watch the "war-tactics" of his troops. Juji regarded the capital as belonging to his dominion and wanted to hold command there; Jagatai considered that the whole stretch reaching down to the Sea of Aral was his fief, promised him by the Khakan, and was issuing orders contradictory to Juji's.