Fascinated by world events, Iranian communist activists were borne along by the revolutionary spirit that inflamed the entire planet. Their enthusiasm was contagious and exalted the whole of society. The young communists' revolutionarism quickly led them to favor political action over theoretical reflection. In the history of the Iranian communist movement, Jazani, Ahmadzadeh, and Puyan are considered the theoreticians of guerilla warfare. Far from bringing victory or power, the armed struggle strategy knew only bitter failures. The human loss was inestimable. The conversion of political action to armed struggle had not brought the popular support for which the communist activists hoped. As methodical and rational as he might have been, Bijan Jazani could not escape the revolutionarism of his era. Aware of the absence of the objective conditions that made revolution a necessity, he tried to justify the armed struggle at the risk of contradicting his own ideas.