America was famous throughout the world and infamous among the ruling classes of Europe, as the land of economic freedom and, thus, of economic opportunity and achievement for the huddled masses fleeing the vast bureaucratic powers of the European states. America did not even have a significant state power at the federal level. Until the Civil War, the federal government was predominantly a federation, not a statist power. The nation that fought a terrible Civil War that ended the legal definition of black slaves as "inferior human beings" outside the law and that reviles the Nazi "supermen" who secretly redefined Jews as "nonhumans" and administratively "exterminated" them, then proceeded to legalize openly and even fund the "termination" of three times more "nonhumans" than the Nazis did. Each year one million three hundred thousand "non-human beings" are officially "terminated" by doctors sworn to protect human lives. These "Untermenschen" have no rights because the megastate has redefined life itself.