This chapter analyzes the politics of exile and the treatment of Rwandese immigrants and refugees in Uganda. It outlines the ethnic connections between the peoples of Rwanda and Uganda from the pre-colonial period until German colonial rule and then traces the movement of Rwandese immigrants into Uganda and their reception up to the pre-independence period in Rwanda. The chapter examines the movement of refugees from Rwanda into Uganda and their reception during the Obote regime. It explores the analysis into the Idi Amin and Obote regimes until Museveni achieved power in Uganda in 1984. Hostility towards the refugees also escalated because many Ugandans felt that they were being treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The political violence against the Rwandese had a number of other significant implications. It eroded the international legitimacy of the Obote regime. The immigrants demanded that the government stop Tutsi refugee warriors from causing political instability in Uganda and Rwanda.