In Philadelphia during the 1960s, upper-class marriages revealed that an unprecedented number of the daughters of the Protestant establishment were marrying Jews. The decline and eventual disintegration of the American Protestant establishment originated with the robber barons' grandchildren, it was their children who felt its full force in the 1960s. Since The Protestant Establishment was published, in early 1965, there has been a slow but steady liberalization of the admissions policies of the exclusive urban clubs as well as, to a lesser degree, the suburban country clubs. Meanwhile various minority groups, especially the Jews, rose to widespread suburban opulence even as the WASP upper class declined in power, affluence, and the influence they had been able to exert through their style of life. At any rate, it is important to record that two men from the very heart of the WASP establishment finally resigned from the Nixon administration: Archibald Cox and Eliot Richardson.