The Ant is to be found everywhere on the face of the earth, from corner to corner, even perhaps in Antarctica. And everywhere he makes the stranger feel strangely at home. But the Bee is to be found, excusably enough, only where there are flowers, and flowers are not to be found everywhere, least of all in the vast icy wastes of Antarctica. Moreover, the Bee is not content to let well alone, and to carry on his honey-making pursuits without concern for the eyes of human watchers. Unlike the Ants, he is among the most intensely self-conscious of insects, and endowed with a bad temper into bargain. So he has a lamentable tendency to communicate this self-consciousness of his to any human watcher, not just in a theoretical but in a painfully practical manner. If he suspects the watcher of possible interference, he will make a bee-line for him and heighten his self-consciousness with the injection of a sting.