The first authentic and detailed news about the 'final solution' came from inside Poland. But they became more reluctant to transmit the news as the process of extermination came under way inside Poland. An earlier Home Army report dated October 1941 reports 'horrible and repulsive news' from Lithuania and Vilna district, where the Lithuanian police with the active help of students from universities and high schools had murdered 170,000 Jews. A report covering the period from 16-28 February 1942 mentions not only individual killings in Warsaw, Miedzyrzec, Jaslo, Poznam and Ostryna, but massacres on an unprecedented scale in eastern Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. The information could have reached the Polish Government only through one of the underground wireless stations. If the Polish radio station in London (Swit) which pretended to broadcast from inside Poland did not carry the news about the deportations from Warsaw, the ultimate decision was British, because though the station employed Poles it was a British station.