In the physical world, a system, the operations of which are regulated by weights and counterweights, can only be shaken by losing their original power, and thus producing the preponderance of the others, and the ruin of the machine. A similar system, when applied to human relations, is exposed, besides that now mentioned, to another danger. A system of political counterpoise, has both in its structure and operations, a remarkable analogy with what, in the internal economy of states, is called a mixed constitution, or constitutional balance. To a perversion of a system grounded in wisdom, and calculated for beneficial purposes, by the constant action and reaction of reciprocal limitation; to such an abuse of form the partition system is indebted for its origin. The partition of Poland is pleaded as a just pretence for completely overturning what still remains of the old constitution, and forcibly and violently knocking to the ground its pillars and supporters.