Jalal Al-e Ahmad was born in 1923 to a respectable religious family. Al-e Ahmad's writings constitute the first crucial link in a chain of cumulative ideological statements that collectively constitute what later to be was called "the Islamic Ideology". The origin and composition of Al-e Ahmad's contribution to the making of "the Islamic Ideology" and, in turn, to that of Islamic Revolution can be traced back to his experience with the Tudeh Party, most pervasive political event of Al-e Ahmad's generation. Immediately after breaking with the Tudeh Party in 1948, the Maleki group, Al-e Ahmad among them, sought to organize the Socialist Tudeh League of Iran and tried to receive recognition from the Soviets. In 1945 Al-e Ahmad inaugurated a long and sustained contribution to the making of modern Persian literature by publishing a short story, "Ziarat", in Sokhan magazine, one of leading literary journals of the time, which paid some attention to aspects of modernist movements in Persian literature.