In the Philadelphia prison system there are three facilities: the Detention Center, Holmesburg Prison and the House of Correction. The fact is that a person with economic advantage in prison often uses it to gain sexual advantage. During the 26-month period, we found there had been 156 sexual assaults that could be documented and substantiated through institutional records, polygraph examinations, or other corroboration. Seven of the assaults took place in the sheriff's vans, 149 in the prisons. Of the sexual assaults, 82 consisted of buggery; 19 of fellatio; and 55 of attempts and coercive solicitations to commit sexual acts. Despite the important role that economic advantage plays in the creation of homosexuality, it is virtually impossible to obliterate economic distinctions between inmates. In sum, sexual assaults, as opposed to consensual homosexuality, are not primarily caused by sexual deprivation. The fact is that a person with economic advantage in prison often uses it to gain sexual advantage.