The gut issue is far deeper than sex-typing of jobs or job discrimination: it is the sexual specialization of functions and the sexism on which it rests. Men were programmed by the system to be aggressive, women to be unaggressive. There were, therefore, functional roadblocks to equal chances for the achievement of top positions. A good deal of the writing of Movement Women in the early months was devoted to a turbulent attack on radical men. The bitterness of some was so great that "man-hating" itself became an issue. The discussions among Movement Women included both terms, the more emotional term male chauvinism tending to characterize the earlier months more than the later. More colorful and intriguing than the term sexism, it was taken over by the outside world, and young men would gleefully and playfully confess to being male chauvinists. The term oppression as used by Movement Women is puzzling to many, to women as well as men.