Women's Liberation is surely small potatoes to a war, a matter for the male Left to polemicize upon and everybody's peace movement to march about. Vassar Women's Lib is under a cloud. It has become notorious, has lost student support and credibility. It's stigmatized as lesbian. When its few members speak they may be instantly dismissed as eccentric persons representing an irrelevant point of view. In December Vassar's Women's Lib had some 25 committed members, with perhaps, as is the custom, two or three times that number on the fringe. Vassar will have another Woman's Liberation next year. Freshman women will start it if no one else does. When Women's Lib announced its workshop there was laughter and contempt. One hears the guys haranguing into bullhorns in other parts of the field, but the sound drifts across harmlessly. The response to the black women pleading for the Panthers is infuriating.