The situation of the younger members of the Bunde who joined the Adolf Hitler Youth as individuals or in groups was more complicated. In July 1935, Gestapo branches throughout Germany were advised to prepare lists 'of all persons formerly active in the bundische youth'. But the 'Hitler Youth Law', which was promulgated on 1 December, 1936, put an end to the semi-legal status of confessional groups. The Bunde had ceased to exist; but the Hitler Youth was imperfectly satisfied by its triumph. The Communist and Socialist youth organizations were the earliest to be banned; nevertheless, a few of their local groups continued to carry on various anti-Fascist activities. By 1945 Germany was indeed in ruins; but nobody wanted to go on marching, not even the fifteen-year-olds who had just been conscripted for anti-aircraft service. German military resistance came to its end 'with a whimper'; the widely heralded 'Werewolves', which were made up of fanatical Hitler Youth battalions, never materialized.