This chapter presents a case study of Mrs. Mario who is an induction teacher with less than 5 years of teaching experience. She has a nagging concern for particular class, because Ricardo's seizures appear to have worsened each week. Ricardo is a 7th grader, articulate, friendly, and generally well liked by his classmates and teachers. He has been known for his seizure episodes for years. Northside Middle School is a fairly new school with excellent resources. Guiding Ricardo to the side of the gym to sit, Mrs. Mario tries to communicate with him. With a gaze and starry-eyed look, Ricardo does not respond. Immediately, Mrs. Mario sends a student to the health room to find Ms. Brown, the school nurse aide. Surprisingly, the next day Ricardo appears in class. The unique thing about Ricardo is that he enjoys school, his friends, and teachers. He practices throwing the football with his dad almost every day after school.