Seven Species, with representatives throughout the tropics. Two occur in the Afro-tropical Region, and both breed in Kenya. A localised and discontinuous distribution from Niger East (E) to Ethiopia, and South (S) through East Africa and E Zaire to Angola, Botswana and E South Africa. Distribution in Kenya represents the E limit of the range. The Lesser Jacana is most frequently observed at L Jipe 100D, where it occurs throughout the year, but is possibly most common in the West (W) highlands. Br mentions scattered highland records at 1800–3000 m. A small, little known and retiring species, easily overlooked and/or confused with the juvenile Jacana (211): hence D1C1. Like the Jacana, it requires waters with substantial floating vegetation but it is far more uncommon and local than that species (Br). The Lesser Jacana is most frequently observed at L Jipe 100D, where it occurs throughout the year, but is possibly most common in the W highlands.