The Long-toed Plover is most common West (W) of the rift valley, in the L Victoria basin and peripheral highlands, while occurrences at the coast are confined to the vicinity of the lower Tana R 79C 91. Mainly the South (S), widely distributed S of 10°S and further North (N) through S and East (E) Tanzania to the N extremity of the range in Kenya. This species and the Spur-winged Plover form a species-group and replace each other in the S and the N of the Region respectively: they are pre-dominantly allopatric, and Kenya is noted as their principal area of marginal sympatry (Sn). Br states that most Blacksmith Plovers are apparently resident at their breeding sites but that wandering can occur, and this is illustrated by records below 500 m in the E lowlands E to Garissa 65B, Witu area 91AB and Tsavo E 101B, and probably by Dec, Feb and Jul birds around 3000 m at Mau Narok 61D.