This chapter discusses the birds comes under the family Motacillidae: Pipits, Longclaws, Wagtails, Richard's pipit, Red-throated pipit, Tree pipit, Plain-backed pipit , Long-billed pipit , Little tawny pipit, Sokoke pipit, Malindi pipit, Golden pipit, Yellow-throated longclaw, Pangani longclaw, Rosy-breasted longclaw, Sharpe's longclaw, Cape wagtail , Yellow wagtail, African pied wagtail, White wagtail, Mountain wagtail and others. Approximately 54 species, most diverse in the Afrotropical, Palearctic and Oriental Regions. Of the 30 recorded from the Afrotropical, the longclaws Macronyx are endemic, as are 11 of the 13 breeding pipits Anthus and Tmetothylacus (HM). The only mention of regular seasonal movements is from arid Tsavo E 101B, where this pipit is an uncommon Nov-Apr visitor to short grass areas, particularly near Aruba Dam (La). Remarking on the broad physical similarities between the two birds, HM point out that the Afrotropical ranges of this pipit and the Yellow-throated Longclaw are nearly allopatric.