This chapter discusses the birds comes under the family Ploceidae: Weavers, Bishops, Widowbirds, Malimbe, Queleas, Sparrows, Petronia, Indigobirds, Whydahs, Black-headed weaver, Speke's weaver , Yellow-backed weaver, Vitelline masked weaver, Chestnut weaver, Grosbeak weaver, Southern red bishop and Zanzibar red bishop. The family also include: Fire-fronted bishop, White-winged widowbird, Red-naped widowbird, Jackson's widowbird, Red-billed quelea, Cardinal ouelea, Grey-headed sparrow, Rufous sparrow, Black-capped social weaver, and others. Vieillot's Black Weaver possibly forms part of a superspecies with the allopatric Speke's Weaver, and both constitute part of a species-group with the Blackheaded Weaver (HM; Br). HM emphasise the difficulties in establishing taxonomic groupings amongst the weavers, and are unsure of the position of the Speke's Weaver. HM place the gregarious Golden Weaver in a superspecies with the solitary Holub's Golden Weaver. The Golden Weaver is closely related to and sympatric with the Taveta Golden Weaver and the Golden Palm Weaver.