Aaron of Alexandria Jewish physician and presbyter in the 7th century, who is supposed to have written 30 books on medicine in Syrian, many now lost. Most of his remaining works compiled, from Greek, were called the Pandects of Aaron and were translated into Arabic by the Syrian Jew, Maseijawaihi, in AD 683. Some of Aaron’s work was cited by the Arabian physician, Rhazes (850–932) who mentioned Aaron as one of the first to describe smallpox and measles, which were brought into Egypt following the conquest by the Arabians in AD 640. The first three chapters of the first tract in Haly Abbas (930–994) famous book Al-Kitabul-Maliki also contains some discussions on the writings of Aaron along with those of Hippocrates (460–377 BC), Galen (AD 129–200), Oribasius (325–403) and Paul of Aegina (625–690).