Conifer pollen is not considered an important allergen source, and only certain members of the Cupressaceae, such as Juniperus ashei and J. pinchotii are regarded as important aeroallergens. In the order Coniferales, only the family Cupressaceae is considered to be a significant source of airborne allergens, and J. ashei and J. pinchorii are considered to produce the most important aeroallergens within the family. Eastern red cedar is considered the most widely distributed conifer in the eastern half of the United States. The pollen types chosen for biochemical study represent those conifers with significant populations in Oklahoma: J. ashei, J. virginiana, J. pinchotii, P taeda, and P. echinata. The proteins with the most intense staining were the first five molecular weight markers with marker number four exhibiting the highest degree of staining. Air sampling was carried out with Burkard Volumetric Spore Traps.