The contact of hydrological cycle with the groundwater reservoirs gives rise to replenishable, that is, fresh, groundwater storage. The hydrological study of groundwater includes depiction of recharge and discharge quantities, storage fluctuations, and groundwater divide line delineations. Hydrology is the study of water in the earth. Broadly, it deals with the occurrence, distribution, and movement of water in addition to physical as well as chemical relationships with the surrounding environments. The infiltrating water from the catchment seeks its way with difficulty toward the groundwater storage and then horizontally toward outlet points such as wells or springs at small velocities. Any groundwater study with incomplete geological information leads to erroneous conclusions. Prior to any study on groundwater the geological setup and various features in a region are the vital steps for better understanding of groundwater occurrence, movement, recharge, and discharge areas. Groundwater problems are mainly of practicable nature.