The quest for the perfect blueberry variety for me started 30 years ago when I was still filled with the wisdom of graduate school and the brashness of youth. It has led me through, not only the valleys of spring frosts, droughts, and winter injury, but also to the peaks of some fine germplasm, some serendipitous crosses, and some treasured friendships. I’ve had the good fortune to have worked with some very competent and good people. I am especially grateful to Dr. Donald Scott who patiently labored at converting me from a forage breeder to a small fruits breeder. Dr. George Darrow’s desk was in my office and I looked forward to his weekly visits so I could pump him for information. It was a privilege to work with the staff of the Atlantic Blueberry Company. They shouldered much of the responsibility for seedling care and selection propagation for cultivar releases, and tried hard to keep me focused on the qualities of a good blueberry as seen through the eyes of a commercial grower.