Exposed and coordinatively unsaturated Ti sites are only found along c-axis edges of the crystallites. Therefore, if a suitable support is found and Ti atoms can be anchored to its surface with stereoelectronic characteristics resembling those in the AA-TiCl3, then a high activity catalyst would result. The entire catalyst preparation was carried out in an oxygen- and moisture-free environment using the Schlenck apparatus. The oxidation states of Ti were determined by redox titration and elemental analysis. The low amount of p-cresol (PC) is in agreement with FTIR, but the low content of ethylbenzoate (EB) suggests that the composition of activated catalyst is sensitive to the experimental procedure. In conclusion, the morphology changes during the preparation of a MgCl2-supported catalyst. TiCl4 treatment led to a very high surface area catalyst with isolated and clustered Ti species of various oxidation states.