The development of the fusion reactor requires a number of high-level technologies that will result in spin-offs for other industrial applications: high-power electrical control technology, high-temperature materials technology, cryogenic and superconducting technology, and so on. Until about 1980, toroidal coils and poloidal coils were fabricated using copper coils in many of the tokamak machines worldwide. Research and development for superconducting magnets for fusion are carried out with the aim of realizing a large fusion experimental machine that will demonstrate fusion burning of deuterium and tritium around the year 2000. Two kinds of conductors have been developed for fusion applications: pool-boiling cooled conductors and forced-flow cooled conductors. Superconducting technology is an innovative route to realization of an electrical power system of high performance. Use of superconducting magnets allows to make compact machines because of their high-field capability. Machines with lower beam energy are utilized for medical or engineering purposes. Syncrotron radiation has been used widely in the scientific and engineering fields.