Lenin observed that there are decades when nothing happens, then weeks when decades happen. This was certainly true of the events of 2016, events that made elites tremble in the West. The impact of glum economic prospects and globalisation on meaningful jobs, stagnant wages and people's livelihoods was considerable. Growth was low but unemployment remained punishingly high in France (10") and elsewhere. We were surely seeing a sting in a long tail from the financial crash ten years before and the Eurozone crisis of 2011. Krouwel argued that the growth of 'individualisation' since the 1970s is the most important structural factor in the success of the political right. Increased expectations are to do with intergenerational dispute about younger generations feeling worse off by comparison with their parents and grandparents. The compression of distance and space results in the compression of time. This is intrinsic to the compression of distance in the contemporary subjectivity.