What about an actor’s headshot and résumé make casting directors, agents, managers, and directors respond favorably to that actor’s picture and résumé? The chapter “The Picture and Résumé—An Actor’s Business Card” goes into great detail as to what makes for the perfect actor picture and industry-standard actor résumé. Effective, high-quality example headshots are shown, along with mishaps. Answers are provided as to what an actor should consider for when choosing a headshot photographer and how to capture and market your brand—your personality—in a single headshot. Behind-the-audition table critiques are offered as to what an actor’s headshot and résumé convey to casting decision-makers about the actor’s personality, work ethic, and potential behavior without having met the actor. Author-director-casting director Paul Russell leads the reader through a step-by-step instruction—with example images—on how to create an industry-standard actor résumé, an actor’s résumé formatted like the résumés of famous actors. Shown are what information properly goes where on an actor’s résumé, what information should be on an actor’s résumé, what information shouldn’t be on an actor’s résumé, and what highly important information should be on an actor’s résumé that most actors overlook including, as well as how many variously formatted résumés does an actor need. Plus, a step-by-step guide—with images—is also offered for how to best create, and submit, an electronic actor’s résumé.