This chapter discusses to obtain the statistical information on the mechanical properties of nanocomposite materials under creep conditions. Nanotechnologies are based on fundamental principles and methods of research in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and a number of technical and human sciences, which indicates a pronounced interdisciplinary of nanotechnology. Applied interest in nanomaterials is due to the possibility of significant modification or even the fundamental change in the properties of known materials, as well as the new opportunities that nanotechnology opens up in the creation of materials and products from nanomaterials-sized structural elements. The development of nanotechnology is largely due to the discovery, study and already practical use of three carbon nanostructures: fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and grapheme. In addition to traditional composite materials, nano-ceramics are used in aircraft structure, such as: propeller shafts, telescopic periscopes. Nanoceramics are used wherever water impermeability and corrosion protection are required.