Malaysia is experiencing population ageing at an accelerated pace. According to the latest population estimate of 32,049.70 million, older persons (OPs) 60 years and above constitute 8.3 percent of the total population. Malaysia has a long established public healthcare system providing universal access to a comprehensive package of healthcare services. However, since the mid-1980s, in line with the new directions in economic policy, and fuelled by rising incomes and urbanisation, there has been a transformation of the public health system towards corporatisation and privatisation. Outpatient care in the study refers to respondents' experience in the latest visit and included healthcare received at a hospital, health centre or clinic and may include visits by healthcare workers. Inpatient care refers to experiences of overnight stay in a hospital or healthcare facility within the last three years. Affordability refers to the healthcare facilities with a standard that can be securely attained by OPs without unreasonable burden on their household income.