Pedagogical action research is in a unique position when it comes to dissemination, as it is research that has a dual aim. It informs policy-making and adapts existing practice, as well as contributing to new knowledge making. Using a fictional case study, the options for publication outputs are discussed including disseminating within the practitioner’s institution or beyond, at national or international level and whether or not the pedagogical focus is subject-specific or generic. All types of publications are considered but the main focus is on conference and journal papers. Detailed guidance is given on how to get a conference abstract accepted and the pros and cons of getting published in conference proceedings are discussed. A detailed guide on how to submit a journal paper is described together with an account of the reviewing process and the steps needed to submit a revised manuscript.

In the second part of the chapter, the options for obtaining research funding for pedagogical action research studies are explored. Advice and suggestions are given on preparing a funding proposal including the necessity to ensure that the proposed research aligns closely to the aims and purposes of the funding agency. The chapter concludes with some lessons learned by the author when managing funded pedagogical research projects.