During the war, the majority of the institutes of the Soviet Academy of Sciences continued scientific research, but it was mainly intended for military purposes. The ideological campaign was conducted in its essential parts by neither the philosophers nor the Party ideologues, but by the physicists themselves who called themselves the "patriotic and materialistic physicists." German rocket V-2 was not so promising because of its technological defects such as inaccuracy of control and others. The artillerists were not the primary force behind the desire for faster computers. The postwar Soviet military technological project took advantage of the German technological seeds obtained by the Soviets during the occupation. In accordance with the postwar "civilian conversion," the People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry also increased the supply of energy equipment, electric power equipment, buses, and motorcycles. In 1973, Koslova contributed an article to Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the discovery of radium.