The formation of safe behavior is generally the process of forming readiness for various types of activities (cognitive, physical, communicative, etc.), performing various social functions (citizen, producer, consumer, etc.), and appropriating various types and fragments of culture (ideological, moral, aesthetic, etc.). This study was conducted to investigate the formation of students’ readiness for safe behavior in dangerous situations. Modern schools must pay special attention to the development of safe-type behavior personality using various means and methods. Each individual must be aware of the nature of occurrence and development of dangerous situations; know their strengths and capabilities to overcome the danger; and be able to make a correct diagnosis of the situation. The general purpose of the safe-type personality development is to reduce itself to acquisition of skills and abilities, allowing people to properly shape their behavior and thus reduce the level of outgoing threats, as well as prevent the danger surrounding them in the modern world. This experimental study included a total of 129 students studying in 5th-9th grades of the comprehensive schools of the Mari El Republic (5 th grade - 21students; 6th grade - 17 students; 7th grade - 23 students; 8th grade - 44 students; and 9th grade - 24 students).