In this study, we deal with grant-supported collaboration between specialists of different institutions and parents of children with special psychophysical needs. We focus on the most effective ways and forms of this collaboration to help a child achieve educational goals; treat their mental, physical, and speech delay; and encourage their social adaptation. We describe the practical problems commonly faced by the members of families with children having special psychophysical needs, such as integration into the sociocultural surface. Existing experience in the development of personal artistic capabilities in a multicultural learning environment is implemented in the program “Road Map of a Child with Special Psycho-Physical Needs”. The article studies a complex impact on the child care system under different social conditions, in order to determine the most favorable conditions of collaboration. The main purpose of a specialist is to provide adequate consultative care while taking into consideration a child’s individuality as well as the patterns of their family environment. This approach makes it possible to help socialize both the child and their family. The analysis is based on practical observation materials provided by the autonomous nonprofit organization of higher education “Interregional Open Social Institute” (IOSI), and the Center of Speech Pathology, the Mari El Republic.