This chapter provides a basic grounding in the principles of geology and explains how to apply them. Water moves in a continuous flow from the atmosphere to the surface and subsurface of the earth to lakes and oceans and back to the atmosphere. This is known as the hydrologic cycle or water cycle. The physical processes include evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, and runoff. The process where surface water percolates into the ground is called infiltration. Information on groundwater resources is available from the government. Groundwater is closer to the surface in valleys than on hills. Groundwater can belong to the public or be privately owned. Groundwater mining refers to a progressive decrease in the amount of groundwater in storage. Groundwater contamination is the term used for the natural presence of minor, unwanted constituents, contaminants, or impurities. Groundwater pollution usually refers to man-made pollutants that are released on or just under the ground and make their way into groundwater.