Neurodegenerative disorders represent clusters of serious diseases that results in progressive deterioration of normal structure and physiology of central nervous system. The pathophysiology of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or other neurodegenerative disorders involves multifaceted permutation of genetic and environmental factors. Combinations of lifestyle modification linked with environmental factor jointly or alone represent the largest share of cases of these disorders [1]. Neurodegenerative diseases are more common and have a disproportionate impact on countries with longer life expectancies and represent the fourth highest source of overall disease burden in high-income countries. Oxidative stress can lead to neuronal death via several mechanisms such as mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, membrane permeability loss, protein aggregation, and apoptosis [2]. Keeping in view of complex etiology and pathophysiology along with a miniscule of available treatment options associated with these neurodegenerative disorders, the role of natural agents and herbal extracts as therapeutic alternatives alone or in combination with synthetic drugs could not be ruled out [3]. In the same context, the present chapter has been aimed to investigate the role of selected natural plants like Curcuma longa and Centella asiatica Linn. in various neurodegenerative disorders and provides an updated overview on mechanism of action in various pathophysiologies and recent progress in clinical biology. The rationale for the selection of these plants was based on their strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential and large body of evidence that suggest their efficacy in preclinical as well as in clinical studies.