Mexican marigold oil has antibiotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, cytophylactic, emollient, disinfectant, sedative, fungicide, insecticide, and hypertensive properties. It is synonymous with Tagetes glandulifera or Tagetes gladulosa, belongs to the Asterales order and Asteraceae family. The Asteraceae family is the largest family of vascular plants, with more than 23,000 species, which are rich in secondary metabolites and essential oils. Essential oils by their volatile nature do not affect pollinators and the environment, and enhance insect activity in the environment. They also can play a role in integrated pest management in developing counties where most of the plants are endemic. In humans, the essential oil has been observed to have medicinal properties that effectively treat fungal infections such as athlete's foot. Large-scale commercialization of the essential oil is hampered by the scarcity of the natural resource, the need for chemical standardization and quality control, and difficulties in registration.